How to Manage Impersonation in Social Media?

How to Manage Impersonation in Social Media?

Have you been a victim of fraud from a fake social media account, or has someone used your name to scam people you know? Social media impersonation is a growing popular fraud tactic, with approximately 83 million fake accounts, according to Nordstern Technologies. In...
What to Do if You’re a Victim of Email Harassment?

What to Do if You’re a Victim of Email Harassment?

Being a victim of harassment has serious consequences that affect people’s lifestyles and daily lives. In fact, this has become one of the main concerns in terms of online security, as 93% of harassment victims have reported experiencing negative effects on...
Chinese Scams Instagram: How to Protect Yourself?

Chinese Scams Instagram: How to Protect Yourself?

Social media scams, such as those on Instagram, are becoming more and more common. In fact, 16.7% of respondents in a GoodFirms survey reported being victims of investment scams that started through their social media accounts. However, this can be prevented if...