8 Popular Telegram Crypto Scams: How to Avoid Them
Since its launch in 2013, Telegram has gained attention among the many messaging apps, ranking as the 8th most popular social media platform globally in 2023, as reported by Data Reportal. Its success within the crypto community is largely due to the benefits of...
Romance Scams On The Rise: Protect Your Heart and Wallet
Dating apps and social media platforms hold the promise of finding your soulmate. Yet, they also open the door to becoming a victim of romance scams. Certain people exploit these platforms, seeking to manipulate and seduce others into a false sense of romance. ...
How Big Is The Scam Industry?
Scams have a long and notorious history, dating back well before the beginning of our modern digital age. People and organizations affected by scams often face profound consequences, taking years to recover, with economic and emotional costs more serious than...
6 Common Scam Calls and How to Recognize Them
Have you ever received a phone call asking for your personal or bank information? Scam calls, a popular form of phishing, come in various forms: from automated messages to people claiming to represent government bodies like the Social Security Administration or the...