Since its launch in 2013, Telegram has gained attention among the many messaging apps, ranking as the 8th most popular social media platform globally in 2023, as reported by Data Reportal. Its success within the crypto community is largely due to the benefits of...
Crypto scams are a huge threat In the world of cryptocurrencies. According to a study by Comparitech and published in Infosecurity Magazine, crypto frauds increased by 42% in 2023. The increase in digital theft highlights a disturbing trend in the cryptocurrency...
Each year, the digital currency market -known as cryptocurrency- continues to change the global economic model. According to Statista, the cryptocurrency market is on a remarkable growth trajectory, expected to generate US$51.5 billion in revenue in 2024 and increase...
The emotional effects of the Cryptocurrency Scam are profoundly disturbing. It’s an experience that severely damages one’s confidence and trust and is characterized by strong feelings of loss, betrayal, and self-doubt. This type of fraud damages...
Cryptocurrency, a digital or virtual form of currency, has revolutionized financial transactions worldwide. However, its rise in popularity has also led to a significant increase in scams. These fraudulent activities range from misleading investment opportunities to...