Predictions for 2024: The 12 Crypto Scams That Will Be on the Rise

Jan 25, 2024 | Crypto Scam Defense | 0 comments

Crypto scams are a huge threat In the world of cryptocurrencies. According to a study by Comparitech and published in Infosecurity Magazine, crypto frauds increased by 42% in 2023. The increase in digital theft highlights a disturbing trend in the cryptocurrency field, introducing a new era of sophisticated cybercrime.

Even more alarming is how quickly these scams are increasing. Infosecurity Magazine reported that as of January 15, 2024, the total amount of cryptocurrency theft has reached $16.93 million. This figure is twice the amount stolen in January 2023; this data demonstrates a clear and present danger for anyone involved in the crypto market.

In this post, we will tell you about the 12 upcoming crypto scams for 2024 and provide you with information and knowledge to protect your digital assets from these emerging risks.

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Reasons Why Scammers Favor Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency attracts Scammers because of several characteristics that facilitate tricky practices. Understanding these aspects is crucial in recognizing and preventing potential fraud:

  • Hidden Identities in Transactions: Cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous, making it hard to track scammers. Users trade under digital addresses, allowing scammers to operate without revealing their real identities.
  • Payments are Irreversible: Crypto transactions are irreversible. Once funds are sent, they cannot be retrieved, making it easier for scammers to permanently keep stolen assets. Victims have little recourse in recovering these funds.
  • Regulatory Grey Areas: The crypto market operates with minimal regulations. This lack of supervision allows scammers to exploit gaps in legal frameworks, conducting fraudulent activities with a lower risk of legal penalization.
  • Global Reach, Local Challenges: Cryptocurrencies surpass national borders, complicating law enforcement efforts. International transactions have challenges in jurisdiction and coordination, offering scammers opportunities to exploit these limitations for their fraudulent activities.
  • Universal Accessibility: The easy access to cryptocurrencies expands the target audience for scams. People globally, despite their crypto skills, anyone might become a victim because of the universal availability of cryptocurrency.

The 12 Crypto Scams That Will Be on the Rise for 2024

As we move further into 2024, the world of cryptocurrency is evolving, and unfortunately, so are the tactics of scammers. Here’s a look at the 12 types of crypto scams expected to rise this year:

1-Investment Schemes

These schemes often appear on social media, where fake investment managers promise high returns on crypto investments. They tempt users to send them cryptocurrency, promising lucrative returns, but once the crypto is sent, the scammers disappear, leaving the investors with significant losses.

2-Rug Pulls 

Rug pulls involve scammers hyping up a new crypto project to attract investment. Once a substantial amount has been invested, the scammers withdraw all the funds, leaving investors with worthless tokens

This fraud takes advantage of investors’ fear of missing out (FOMO), which causes them to rush in on what appears to be a great offer.

3-Phishing Scams and Fake Exchanges

These scams involve scammers imitating legitimate crypto platforms or exchanges. They deceive users into divulging sensitive information like wallet keys or personal data

Phishing can occur through fake websites, emails, or social media messages that look similar to official communications from real crypto entities, fooling users into making transactions or providing access to their wallets.

A bag full of money and currencies on the table

4-Clipboard Hacks and Address Cloning Scams

Clipboard hacks involve malware that replaces a copied wallet address with the scammer’s address. When a user pastes the address to send crypto, they send it to the scammer. 

Address cloning is similar, where scammers use addresses that closely correspond to the user’s address, leading to accidental transfers to the wrong recipient.

5-Copycat Cryptocurrencies

This scam involves creating fake cryptocurrencies that imitate established ones, deceiving traders. These fake cryptocurrencies often replicate the name, logo, and ticker symbol of legitimate coins, making them hard to differentiate at a glance. 

Investors, mistaking these for the real thing, end up buying worthless tokens, resulting in financial losses.


Blackmail scams involve threats to release sensitive personal information or content unless crypto extortion is paid. Scammers use fear and embarrassment to press victims into paying, often demanding payment in cryptocurrency due to its anonymous nature.

7-dApp Permission Exploits

Decentralized apps (dApps) often ask for token approvals, and scammers exploit this by cheating users into giving unlimited access. This allows them to drain funds from the user’s wallet. 

Even legitimate dApps can become a threat if they’re hacked, as the permissions granted can be misused to steal cryptocurrency from connected wallets.

8-Romance Scams

Romance scammers use fake profiles on dating apps or social networks to form relationships. They gradually build the trust of their victims before proposing Bitcoin investment opportunities or directly requesting cryptocurrency money transfers, frequently disappearing after collecting the payments.

9-Fake Giveaways

These scams involve false giveaways promising free cryptocurrencies. Scammers set up fake events or websites, imitating legitimate giveaways from well-known crypto entities. 

Participants are asked to provide private keys or send a small amount of crypto to verify their accounts, leading to theft of their assets or personal information.

10-Fake Airdrops

Scammers use fake airdrops to attract users with the promise of free tokens. They attract victims to malicious websites under the cover of claiming these tokens

This method uses the excitement around receiving new, potentially valuable crypto, but instead of a reward, users end up compromising their security or personal information on fraudulent websites.

11-Fake Job Listing Scams

Scammers use fake job listings or unsolicited job offers to attract victims. These fraudulent job postings are often related to the crypto industry, such as roles in crypto mining or recruiting other crypto investors

A common element among these jobs is the requirement for the applicant to make an initial payment in cryptocurrency. From this point, the scam can evolve in various ways. The scammer might persuade the victim to make further payments, or they could deposit a sum into the victim’s bank account, asking for a cash transfer in return. 

12-Impersonation Scams

Crypto scammers often claim to be official authorities or regulatory agents to gain trust. They might say that your accounts or assets are implicated in an investigation, proposing cryptocurrency payments as a solution.

In some cases, they pretend to be staff from well-known businesses or banks, constructing a range of false stories. The final goal of these scammers is to convince you to transfer your cryptocurrency to them.

A man doing crypto scams


To combat crypto scams effectively, it’s crucial to have strong community support and reliable information networks. These resources provide essential updates and advice on recognizing and avoiding scams.

Awareness plays a crucial role in preventing crypto scam victims. By staying informed about common scam tactics and sharing this knowledge, the community can help limit the number of people who fall victim to these schemes. This collective effort is more effective than individual actions alone.

Continuously updating one’s knowledge in the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrency is necessary for protection against scams. This involves following trusted crypto news sources like Cryptoscam Defense Network(CDN), participating in its community engagement, and attending educational events related to cryptocurrency and security.

Tell Us Your Story!

Crypto Scam Defense Network stands at the forefront of fighting against cryptocurrency fraud. With a vision to empower and protect, CDN’s mission is centered on supporting victims of crypto scams

If you or someone you know has been affected by a crypto scam, or if you’re looking for advice to prevent future scams, CDN is here to help

Reach out to us at for support, guidance, and information. We’re committed to making the crypto space safer for everyone, and your involvement is a valuable part of this mission.

Photos via Pexels