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The Blog of Cryptoscam Defense Network

The blog provides expert insights and real-world examples of crypto scams, educating and informing readers to navigate cryptocurrency safely and confidently.
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Top 10 Facebook Scams and How They Work

Top 10 Facebook Scams and How They Work

Social media scams are more common than you might think, especially on Facebook. According to cybersecurity firm Lookout, about 62% of Facebook users encounter scams every week, and this activity increases during the holiday season. With Christmas just a few weeks...

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How to Manage Impersonation in Social Media?

How to Manage Impersonation in Social Media?

Have you been a victim of fraud from a fake social media account, or has someone used your name to scam people you know? Social media impersonation is a growing popular fraud tactic, with approximately 83 million fake accounts, according to Nordstern Technologies. In...

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What to Do if You’re a Victim of Email Harassment?

What to Do if You’re a Victim of Email Harassment?

Being a victim of harassment has serious consequences that affect people's lifestyles and daily lives. In fact, this has become one of the main concerns in terms of online security, as 93% of harassment victims have reported experiencing negative effects on their...

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Chinese Scams Instagram: How to Protect Yourself?

Chinese Scams Instagram: How to Protect Yourself?

Social media scams, such as those on Instagram, are becoming more and more common. In fact, 16.7% of respondents in a GoodFirms survey reported being victims of investment scams that started through their social media accounts. However, this can be prevented if...

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Invoice Fake: How to Identify Them

Invoice Fake: How to Identify Them

Lately, scammers have refined their fake invoice tactics, causing a serious threat to people’s finances. In fact, in 2023, a couple was scammed out of $139,000 while trying to buy a Mercedes-Benz after being offered a fake invoice by the fraudsters, according to ACS...

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