Virtual personal assistant scams: How to Stay Safe in a Remote Work

Apr 10, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The popularity of remote and virtual professions has never been greater. As we move closer to a world in which working from anywhere is not only possible but preferred by many, the digital ecosystem grows, moving with potential. However, this transition is not without its negative side. 

The same digital landscape that provides freedom and flexibility also creates an open door of scams, with Virtual Personal Assistant scams developing as a particularly troubling trend. These clever and often persuasive frauds target both job seekers and businesses, creating a complicated web of deception under the pretext of legitimate prospects. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look into the virtual personal assistant scams, including how they work, how to identify them, and how to avoid falling victim to them.

Two people working as virtual personal assistants on their computer

What Virtual Personal Assitant Scams are?

Virtual assistant scams involve deceiving activities that target both persons seeking remote work opportunities and organizations trying to hire virtual assistants. The nature of these scams is often sophisticated, using professional-looking communications and fake company details to appear legitimate. 

This makes them particularly dangerous, as it can be difficult to differentiate them from genuine job opportunities.

How to Identify a Virtual Assistant Scam

Identifying virtual personal assistant scams requires vigilance from both employers and job seekers. By recognizing the warning signs, it is possible to be protected from falling victim to these deceptive practices.

1-For Employers

  • Video Call Avoidance: Legitimate virtual assistants will have no issue verifying their identity through a video call. If a candidate hesitates or outright refuses to participate in a video interview, it’s a red flag.
  • Requests for Multiple Device Access: Be wary of candidates who frequently request to access your company’s systems from multiple devices. Secure tasks typically require access from a single, company-approved device.
  • Excessive Remote Access Requests: Candidates who seem extremely enthusiastic to gain remote access to sensitive company data may have masked motives. Ensure that access to sensitive information is granted minimally and monitored.

2-For Job Seekers

  • Unrealistic Job Offers: Offers that promise high pay for minimal effort are suspect. Genuine opportunities usually align with industry standards for compensation and workload.
  • Immediate Hiring Pressure: Scammers often rush the hiring process, pushing job seekers to accept offers without proper evaluation or interviews. A legitimate employer will respect the need for due diligence.
  • Unsolicited Offers and Poor Communication: If you receive a job offer without having applied, especially if the communication is informal or filled with errors, proceed with caution. Legitimate companies maintain professionalism in their outreach.
  • Requests for Personal Information or Payment: A genuine employer will never ask for your banking details, personal information, or any form of payment as part of the hiring process.
A man working with his computer doing virtual personal assistant scams

How to Avoid Virtual Assistant Scams

Avoiding virtual personal assistant scams requires a proactive approach from both job seekers and employers. Here are comprehensive strategies to minimize the risk of falling victim to these deceptive practices:

1-For Both Job Seekers and Employers

  • Perform Detailed Review Research: Before engaging with a potential employer or virtual assistant, go into detailed research. Look for reviews, testimonials, and any feedback available online from previous clients or employees. This can provide insight into the legitimacy and reliability of the parties involved.
  • Analyze Online Presence: A legitimate company or professional will have an important online presence. Employers should review candidates’ LinkedIn profiles and personal websites for work experience and skills. Job seekers should check companies’ websites for clear contact information and business model explanations.
  • Demand Clarity in Agreements: Ensure that every aspect of the job offer or contract is clear and documented. This includes job responsibilities, payment terms, working hours, and any other relevant details. Having a written agreement can provide a reference in case of disputes and help avoid misunderstandings.
  • Trust Your instinct: If something feels off, it probably is. Do not ignore the warning signs, such as excessive secrecy, rushed processes, or any request that feels unreasonable. It’s safer to opt for caution.

2-For Employers

  • Prioritize Secure Communication: Utilize secure, reputable platforms for communication and data exchange. Be cautious of candidates who insist on using less secure methods for sharing sensitive information.
  • Verify Information: Thoroughly verify the credentials and references of any virtual assistant candidate. A legitimate professional will have no issue with you checking their background and qualifications.

3-For Job Seekers

  • Avoid Upfront Payments: Legitimate employers will not ask for money as part of the hiring process. Whether for training, equipment, or software, such requests are a red flag.
  • Use Secure Platforms: Apply for jobs through reputable job boards and platforms known for vetting their listings. When in doubt, directly contact companies through official channels to verify job openings.
A smartphone with a LinkedIn page on it screen

Virtual Assistant scams on LinkedIn

According to the FBI, scammers exploiting LinkedIn for cryptocurrency investment schemes represent a significant threat to both the platform and its users. These scammers create fake profiles to appear professional, gradually building trust with LinkedIn users. 

Their strategy involves initially directing victims to make investments on legitimate platforms, only to later deceive them into transferring their funds to sites controlled by the scammers, resulting in the draining of the victims’ accounts.

Operation Method

The operation begins with the scammers contacting users under the guise of professional networking. They meticulously develop a relationship to gain the user’s trust, eventually leading them to transfer their investments to fraudulent sites, thereby causing financial loss.

Combating Scams

LinkedIn has taken active steps to combat these scams by removing over 32 million fake accounts last year. The platform continues to improve user education on identifying and reporting suspicious activity, emphasizing the importance of vigilance among its users.

The Global Anti-Scam Organization has highlighted that many of these scams can be traced back to Southeast Asia. Scammers often masquerade as entrepreneurs or finance professionals, using their crafted identities to attract victims into their schemes, showcasing the global reach and sophisticated methods employed by these fraudsters.


The rise of virtual personal assistant scams underscores the need for heightened awareness and vigilance among both job seekers and employers in the digital age. These scams, often sophisticated and deceptive, pose a significant threat to people and businesses alike. 

By recognizing the warning signs, and conducting thorough research it is possible to minimize the risk of falling victim to these fraudulent schemes. Additionally, platforms like LinkedIn are actively combating such scams, but users must remain proactive in protecting themselves. 

Staying informed and cautious is key to combat the evolving landscape of online fraud and ensuring a safe and secure remote work environment for all.

We Want to Hear From You!

The fight against cryptocurrency scams is a community effort at Crypto Scam Defense Network, and your insights are invaluable. Have you encountered a scam, or do you have questions about navigating the complex world of digital currency? Maybe you have suggestions or want to share your story to help others. Whatever your experience, we’re here to listen and support you.

Reach out to us at Share your stories, ask questions, or make comments. Your voice is crucial to building a resilient and informed community. Together, we can improve our defenses and promote a safer digital space for all.

Be a part of the change. Your story matters.Photos via Unsplash